Our software platform enables leading IT companies to increase operational efficiency. Would you like to help us?

From our offices in the city center of Zwolle, Ydentic helps 60+ leading IT organisations to do their jobs more efficiently. To achieve this, we've developed our own software platform. Our customers use this platform on a daily basis to execute and deliver their core services.

To ensure new functionality always serves our customers' needs, we collaborate closely with all of them. This allows you to develop a broad variety of skills, regardless of the position you choose to filfill.

As a new member of the Ydentic family you'll get the chance to find or create your own position within the team. In doing so, we appreciate your entrepreneurialism, perceverance and attention to detail. But above all else, we want you to enjoy each day we work together and challenge yourself to gain the skills and knowlegde you need to accomplish the goals you've set for yourself.

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MSP? Multi-tenant? What's that supposed to be?

Ydentic is a software platform for IT service providers who create and manage digital workplaces. Simply put, this means our customers (or: partners) help organisations manage inboxes, file shares, software licenses and the like. That may sound like a simple feat, but in reality that's not the case. Our partners ordinarily facilitate tens of thousands of workplaces, so just imagine how many passwords they have to reset every day!

Alright. That's a bad example, because that's exactly where Ydentic comes in. Our platform eliminates mundane, time-consuming tasks, saving our partners huge chucks of time and money on a daily basis. Hence, we enable them to serve more customers with fewer people and spent more time on the work that really makes a difference. And you can help us do that!

  • Members of the Ydentic management team started what would become one of the most progressive and successful Managed Service Providers in The Netherlands.

  • The company is acquired by a major Dutch telecom provider. At the time, the company is responsible for managing over 40.000 end users.

  • Ydentic CEO Jorn starts a new company aiming to optimize user management processes through software. This company will later become Ydentic.

  • Moving to the IJsseltoren with a view of the Zwolle skyline.

  • Ydentic is officially launched! The company is now fully committed to offer efficiency and scaleability to Managed Service Providers.

  • 60+ leading MSP's use the Ydentic platform to execute the daily IT management tasks they offer to their customers.

  • Ydentic is internationally active in several countries including Denmark, Sweden and England.

Work at Ydentic