“Can you reset my password?” Every service desk employee gets this request several times a week, sometimes several times a day if things have gone wrong… And yet this scenario is completely unnecessary. Let’s do the math: if you have a company with 100 employees, each employee calls the helpdesk about a forgotten password approximately 2 to 4 times a year on average. In practice, this means between 10 to 15 minutes of time spent per employee each time. Long story short, it’s 1 hour per employee per year to successfully perform password recovery. Regardless of the time it takes, you may be wondering if you want your highly educated people to be engaged in these relatively simple tasks. After all, while they are busy recovering a password, they could also be working on improving business processes. Better for the customer, better for the employee, better for the results, and better for customer satisfaction.
So just be smarter about it
If you choose to use the Ydentic platform, which is used by many different managed service providers in the Netherlands and abroad every day, you can easily solve this problem. You will immediately spend less time on password recovery. The platform lets you manage everything from one main screen, which prevents searching in different systems and directories. A few mouse clicks is all it takes to carry out a password recovery. It will take about two minutes each time… and let’s do the maths for that: 8 minutes instead of 60 minutes per year.
Make it nicer to come to work
In addition, there is another theme that plays an important role. For the first time in history there are more vacancies than job seekers. The shortage on the labour market has long ceased to be a trend; it is now increasingly looking like it will remain a permanent situation. If you want to keep the people you had to attract by exerting a lot of time, effort and energy, then make sure you offer them work they enjoy doing. It’s not all about salary, attractive fringe benefits and a nice home workplace, but also about the mental challenge. You don’t want well-educated people resetting passwords several times a day or even a week. Fortunately, it’s no longer necessary.
Would you like to know more about how it can be done smarter? Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Not only do we like to work closely with you, we also like to work practically to do things smarter in the future.